Friday, November 2, 2007

A Cyclops Halloween!

While trick-or-treating for Halloween, I stumbled across this arrangement of pumpkins. At first my attention was captured by the strikingly handsome Cyclops Pumpkin in the background, and I wanted to immediately congratulate the owner on creating such a magnificent work of art. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed a smaller pumpkin figure in front with a small wooden spear, and what suspiciously looked like the 'eye' of the giant Cyclops Pumpkin pierced clean through. To my horror, I realized that I had walked up to the house of Odysseus sympathizers, and that what I saw depicted in front of my was my own tragic misfortune. Just look at the arrogant, evil grin on Odysseus' face. For a real "Nobody" he sure seems to act like he's "Somebody".
Without hesitation I backed away from the house and looked for a giant rock to throw. But remembering the words of my anger management therapist, I contented myself with just running off down the street.